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Beausoleil First Nation

Our ancestors of modern day Beausoleil First Nation currently living on Christian Island moved south from the area north of Lake Superior in 1683. While this group originally lived a nomadic existence in these hunting areas (traveling as need and seasons dictated), the government was moving non-Native settlers into this area and moved to establish treaties with the First Nation in 1798 and 1815.

Our History

Beausoleil First Nation is composed of Anishinaabeg people, particularly, people from the Ojibwe, Boodiwaadmi, Odaawa, and Mississauga tribes.


Our current home is located on Christian Island, a place we refer to as “Chimnissing” or “Big Island”, located in southern Georgian Bay, Ontario, Canada.


While the original Tribe of people under Chief Assance, are considered Ojibway, the people of his tribe invited many of their displaced brethren to join them after the War of 1812. What you see today, is result of different families that are interconnected through, kin and marriage, living together, with a deep connection to the land and one another through the principals of the “Seven Grandfather” teachings.

The Seven Grandfather teaching have provided a basis and instructions for all Anishinabeg people to live in a good way and have been around since time immemorial. These teachings are and have been used by the people of Beausoleil First Nation with how we interact with the physical and spiritual world.


Those teachings are:
Zaagiwwin (Love)
Love, is to find peace and happiness in our connection to all of creation.

Mnaadendmowin (Respect)
Respect is to understand that we are all part of creation and that each life is sacred.

Zoongde’ewin (Bravery)
Bravery is the ability to listen to your heart and to have the strength and courage to do what is honourable.


Gwekwaadziwin (Honesty)
Honesty is to be straight forward in a kind and caring way.

Dbasendmowin (Humility)
Humility is to be thankful, grateful and to acknowledge that we are all part of and belong to Creation and that each part of us has something to give.


Nbwaakaawin (Wisdom)
Wisdom, is to embrace the knowledge given to us and sharing this in our lives.


Debwewin (Truth)

Truth, is to know who we are and to live by these Grandfather Teachings.

Beausoleil First Nation - - 

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